Il prend en photo deux pingouins veufs profitant ensemble de l’horizon de Melbourne

Le photographe australien Tobias Baumgaertner a partagé sur son compte Instagram deux magnifiques clichés pour le moins étonnants.

Modifié : 6 mai 2020 à 10h47 par Arnaud Joly

Crédit : Instagram @tobiasvisuals

L’année dernière, le photographe a pu capturer un moment presque surréel mettant en scène deux pingouins s’enlaçant et contemplant la skyline de Melbourne. Une scène surréaliste !

Selon certains habitants de la ville, ces deux pingouins se retrouvent souvent dans cette position à admirer l’horizon alors que le reste de la colonie dort ou continue à se déplacer.

Quelqu'un s'est approché de moi et m'a dit que la femelle blanche était vieille et avait perdu son partenaire et apparemment le plus jeune aussi. Depuis, ils se rencontrent régulièrement pour se consoler et restent ensemble pendant des heures' confie le photographe. 'J'ai passé 3 nuits complètes avec cette colonie de pingouins jusqu'à ce que je puisse obtenir cette image.' poursuit-il.

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During times like this the truly lucky ones are those that can be with the person/people they love most. I captured this moment about a year ago. These two Fairy penguins poised upon a rock overlooking the Melbourne skyline were standing there for hours, flipper in flipper, watching the sparkling lights of the skyline and ocean. A volunteer approached me and told me that the white one was an elderly lady who had lost her partner and apparently so did the younger male to the left. Since then they meet regularly comforting each other and standing together for hours watching the dancing lights of the nearby city. I spend 3 full nights with this penguin colony until I was able to get this picture. Between not being able or allowed to use any lights and the tiny penguins continuously moving, rubbing their flippers on each other’s backs and cleaning one another, it was really hard to get a shot but i got lucky during one beautiful moment. I hope you enjoy this moment as much as I did. #lovewillalwayswin • �x� @tobiasvisuals •Shot on Nikon Z6, Nikkor 50mm 1.4, ISO 8000, 50mm, f/1.4, 1/60 sec

Une publication partagée par Tobias Baumgaertner (@tobiasvisuals) le

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Pinguins Part 2. “... Love is the only game in which we win even when we lose” The way that these two lovebirds were caring for one another stood out from the entire colony. While all the other penguins were sleeping or running around, those two seemed to just stand there and enjoy every second they had together, holding each other in their flippers and talking about penguin stuff. Pain has brought them together (see PART 1). I guess sometimes you find love when you least expect it. It’s a privilege to truly love someone, paradisiacal when they love you back. �x� @tobiasvisuals • (Even though it is very similar to the previous image I thought it’d be a pity to not share it with you guys) • • —>FOR PRINTS PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO <—

Une publication partagée par Tobias Baumgaertner (@tobiasvisuals) le

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